Brian Fullerton

Federal – Ontario – Beaches


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  [ 4.90 ] – superior Voters 1   Comments 1

Federal election results Brian Fullerton

Election Statistics - number of votes

Date Party Votes Votes % Elected
1979/05/22 Liberal 11232 30.21%




Participated in federal elections on 1979/05/22 for riding Ontario, Beaches. Political party: Liberal.

Occupation correctional administrator on 1979/05/22.

No associations


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Brian Fullerton has received 1 rating(s) and 1 review(s), resulting in an average rating of 4.90 on a scale from 1 to 5. The overall rating for this mp candidate is superior.

If you have personal experience with Brian Fullerton, we encourage you to share that experience with our community. Your opinion is very important and Brian Fullerton will most certainly appreciate the feedback.

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Wayne Cook

I have known Mr. Fullerton for over 35 years and always from him a tireless worker and selfless individual.

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Profile ID: LFCA-MPC-P-14446

All data on this website is collected from public sources. Our data reflects the most accurate information available at the time of publication.